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What is Sector Led Improvement?

Sector-led improvement (SLI) is the approach to improvement put in place by local authorities and the LGA alongside the abolition of the previous national performance framework.
The transfer of public health responsibilities in 2013 brought public health services into the established local government SLI regime.
Sector-led improvement is based on a culture of collaborative working, sharing good practice, constructive challenge and learning.
The Public Health SLI programme is based on the principles set out in the LGA document “Taking the Lead”, which states that:
•Councils are responsible for their own performance and improvement and for leading the delivery of improved outcomes for local people in their areas.
•Councils are primarily accountable to local communities (not government or inspectorates) and stronger accountability through increased transparency helps local people drive further improvement.
•Councils have a collective responsibility for the performance of the sector as a whole.
•The role of the LGA is to maintain an overview of the performance of the sector in order to identify potential performance challenges and opportunities and to provide tools and support to help councils take advantage of this new approach.

Brief History of SLI

National Performance Framework for local authorities; 198 performance indicators
The LGA published "taking the lead" and implemented SLI as the new approach to improvement for local authorities and the LGA
The transfer of public health responsibilities in 2013 brought public health services into the established local government SLI programme
Embedding SLI in public health. ADPH developed a SLI national board and took on a national leadership role. SLI collaboration between LGA, ADPH & UKHSA. Regional DsPH networks responsible for SLI programmes.

SW ADPH SLI Action Plan 2022-2024:

The role of the ADPH SW:

The SW ADPH network is responsible for overseeing the development of SLI activity across the South West region. Each network has a director of public health SLI lead who is responsible for coordinating annual regional SLI plans and reporting progress to the national ADPH SLI board. South West SLI lead: Kate Blackburn (DPH Wiltshire)

The plan structure:

  • 5 key priority area’s, each have a South West Director of Public Health lead. Most also have a deputy lead position.
  • Key objectives from each priority determined by lead with sign off from SW ADPH network.
  • Quarterly SLI meetings are held between the SLI lead, SLI co-ordinator and DPH lead to track and record priority progression.

The proposed plan is based on an approach which provides flexibility by:

  • Building on the good work from the previous ADPH SW SLI plan’s (2021/2022) & (2022/2023);
  • Badging existing ADPH SW and LAs PH Quality Improvement work under the SLI ‘umbrella’  – if you’re doing QI you’re doing SLI;
  • Incorporating current regional priorities into our SLI approach

This action plan does not list nor describe all the actions or activities happening across the region with regards to SLI. After all, Sector-led improvement is not an activity in itself. It is based on the principle that the local government sector is responsible for its own improvement, including managing the risk of underperformance, and takes a collective responsibility towards that – and the approach to this is peer-led support. This is in place of an inspection regime.

Want to know more about SLI in the South West region?

Take a look through our monthly SLI snapshots below.

For more information or any questions, please contact the SW SLI coordinator for further information:


Sector Led Improvement Monthly Snapshots

Monthly SLI snapshots are circulated as part of Key Objective 14 on our 22/24 SLI action plan “The SW ADPH Voice”. The snapshots aim to highlight progress against the plan, projects, upcoming events and general ADPH updates. Please click on the links below to view the snapshots.





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