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Please see below listings of campaigns that all London boroughs are encouraged to support locally.
UKHSA, London Councils, ADPH London and NHS London present the "Why We Get Vaccinated" campaign that has been co-produced with London communities.
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26 August 2024, the 2nd wave of the England-wide UKHSA and NHSE childhood immunisation campaign will go live In response to falling vaccine rate.
Stop Smoking London is encouraging people to stop smoking this Stoptober and has created ‘A Practical Guide for Londoners on how to quit smoking'
Download toolkit
National Stoptober campaign is back with the key message: Stop smoking for Stoptober and you're 5 times more likely to quit for good.
Updated communications toolkit to support London partners with messaging for WSPD 2024 and to promote #ZeroSuicideLDN
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Paralympic Erin Kennedy MBE and four-time Olympian Donna Fraser OBE, have joined forces for a new campaign to help eliminate cervical cancer.
World Hepatitis Day is a global awareness day to promote hepatitis prevention, diagnosis and treatment. See link to UKHSA's communications toolkit.
NHS England – London’s #AskAboutAsthma campaign returns for its eighth year to raise awareness around childhood asthma and how to manage it.
See campaign details
This year's Alcohol Awareness Week takes place from 1-7 July 2024 on the theme of 'Understanding alcohol harm'.
Link to resources
Summer campaign targeting populations for the HIV prevention programme, disproportionately affected by STIs.
Download briefing
In 2024, join London Climate Action Week in harnessing the power of London to accelerate global climate action.
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World No Tobacco Day takes place on 31 May. It is organized by the World Health Organization to raise awareness of harms and deadly effects of tobacco
A collection of print and digital materials that promote the benefits of physical activity on mental health.
Details of the maternal vaccination programme - currently pregnant women are offered the whooping cough vaccine (pertussis).
Link to stakeholders briefing pack
The next phase of the DCMS loneliness campaign activity as part of the Better Health - Every Mind Matters campaign.
Campaign promoting the importance and benefits of strong parent-infant relationships.
Campaign information
NHS England has published new public-facing MMR resources. These include posters, display screen slides and social cards with diverse images and text.
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Campaign encouraging those aged 40 and over to get a free blood pressure check at the nearest participating pharmacy. Available on CRC
11-17 March promoting the importance of boosting hydration, particularly amongst older adults, to help prevent against urinary tract infections (UTIs)
This campaign is a tripartite with NHSE, UKHSA and DHSC focusing on childhood immunisations under 5 to raise awareness of the benefits of vaccination.
The 'Think pharmacy first' campaign will increase public awareness that pharmacists can provide some prescription medicines if needed
Download campaign toolkit and assets
The Make Today Your No Smoking Day campaign has been developed to support No Smoking Day on 13 March 2024. Local support welcomed.
Do It London’s ‘Be Sure, Know the Four’ campaign from the London HIV Prevention Programme.
Campaign briefing
UKHSA has compiled an updated stakeholders' communications toolkit .
Measles cases are rising in England.
You can still ask your GP practice for the MMR vaccine if your child has missed either of these 2 doses.
The Department for Education (DfE), in partnership with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), has launched the Better Health Start for Life
National HIV Testing Week is a campaign to promote regular testing in England, particularly among groups most affected by HIV.
Information and resources
OHID will shortly be launching its January campaign that will be focusing on driving quit attempts at scale.
This phase will see a wider rollout of the STOP prompt.
UKHSA has published its cold weather comm toolkit which support the Adverse Weather and Health Plan (AWHP) and Cold-Health Alerting (CHA) system.
Download comms toolkit
GMHD is making a triumphant return on Friday 26 January 2024! This year's theme is all about meaningful connections.
13 -19 November recognises National Self Care Week, an annual national awareness week that focuses on embedding support for self care.
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The Met Office has recently their WeatherReady winter campaign which focuses on weather challenges and tips for the public.
To mark #WMHD, we’ve created a range of new communications toolkits that can be used to raise awareness of wellbeing resources for different faiths.
Ahead of International Infection Prevention Week, UKHSA and NHS England are running a joint campaign to raise awareness of UTI prevention.
The NHS will run a London campaign to encourage people 50-74 years to participate in bowel screening will run from 16 October - 3 December 2023.
UKHSA has produced social media assets to support the flu and COVID-19 vaccine programme, encouraging those who are currently eligible for vaccination
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Good Thinking has partnered with the Office for Students’ Black Students Mental Health Project to host a range of mental wellbeing resources.
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Better Health – Every Mind Matters is ready to help you support your networks with NHS endorsed tips and advice to improve mental health and wellbeing
Better Health – Every Mind Matters Partnership Presentation
This year, Stoptober is rallying the over 5 million smokers in England to join together to support each other and commit to quitting.
Download Partners Guide
This toolkit was created in collaboration with UKHSA and devolved regional public health authorities to support messaging on vaccination for students.
A new National Breastfeeding Week social media toolkit is now available to download form the Campaign Resource Centre, to support partners engagement.
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This toolkit contains information about the Good Thinking Student Mental Health Hub and highlights other services and resources for students & parents
Thrive LDN has developed a toolkit to support London partners with messaging for WSPD23 and for promoting the ongoing #ZeroSuicideLDN campaign.
This toolkit explains the changes to the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine programme.
This toolkit is designed to accompany the launch of the phase 2 polio/MMR campaign and its ongoing promotion.
Loneliness Awareness Week is an annual event hosted by Marmalade Trust and this year it will run from 12 – 18 June.
The Mayor of London has launched a campaign supporting Londoners who are championing mental health.
This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week takes place from 15 to 21 May 2023, and the theme for the week is anxiety.
London Arts and Health with the Culture Health & Wellbeing Alliance are organising a festival to shine a light on the creative health sector.
NHS in London will soon be delivering a catch-up campaign for un or partially vaccinated children aged 1-11 years.
Communications pack
As we enter spring, resilience to and dealing with economic pressures and wider threats remains a key priority and challenge for public mental health.
Campaign information and toolkit
Campaign to support Stop Smoking Day 8 March, focusing on link between smoking and developing cognitive impairment and dementia.
No Smoking Day Campaign Assets
The campaign aims to encourage people who are sent the NHS bowel cancer screening home test kit to complete and return.
Good Thinking's quick guides to help you to support friends, family and others in your local community who may be struggling with their mental health.
Access guides
This campaign promotes waiting until your baby is around six months to introduce solid alongside breast milk or infant formula foods.
NHS England, in association with the Stroke Association, have relaunched the Act F.A.S.T stroke campaign.
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