London Local Authority Public Health Research Network
The network was established in 2021. Partners include colleagues from NIHR ARC North Thames (providing secretariat), ARCS across London, Regional UK Health Security Agency and Office for Health improvement and Disparities, local authorities, Association of Directors of Public Health London, NHS and academics across London and North Thames, Public health registrars.
Purpose / role:
- Identify, share, support and progress opportunities for generating robust academic research in LA settings across the region and nationally.
- Platform for sharing findings, assisting local areas in the development of their research that directly addresses local government and London/North Thames public health priorities.
- Support the development of research skills
- Enable collaboration on research grant applications with the longer-term goal of improving the wider determinants of health at regional level and beyond.
- The network is open to anybody with an interest in this area, including NHS partners.
- It might be particularly useful for:
- Local authority staff with an interest in public health research
- Academics with local government service role/interest
- Public health registrars in a local government role and/or interested to conduct local government research
- Regional colleagues supporting academia within the local authority
- There are no restrictions on numbers or duration of membership.
- Fulfilment of key roles, e.g. chairs, subtheme leads, will be limited to three years, with the possibility of renewal.
- Resident/public involvement will be through liaison with standing resident/lay advisory panels, e.g. ARC North Thames Research Advisory Panel.
The aim of the network to bring together PH professionals and researchers within an interest in PH to bring together thoughts and ideas to take research forward in a meaningful way in the local authority setting. Details of previous meetings.
If you would like to find out more about the network, please contact
Children, young people and families network
The NIHR SPHR Children, Young People & Families (CYPF) Network has been set up to share information about the research and activities taking place through the CYPF programme within the School for Public Health Research (SPHR). The Network aims to bring together researchers, public health professionals and members of the public to share research findings and provide opportunities to work together on initiatives relevant to the lives of children, young people, and families.
The Network has been created by the NIHR SPHR Children, Young People & Families (CYPF) programme, which aims to build the evidence-base for effective practice to improve the health of children, young people, and families.
What are the aims of the Children, Young People & Families Network?
This Network has been developed to:
- Keep up to date with new research findings from CYPF programme
- Provide opportunities for Network members to be involved in the programme
- Highlight innovative practice and initiatives for CYPF
- Promote training and career opportunities for professionals, students and researchers working with CYPF
- Provide a platform for collaboration, learning and developing skills for academics, practitioners, policy makers, and members of the public
- Engage stakeholders, including academics, practitioners, and members of the general public.
Who should join the Network?
The Network is open for anyone to join, including:
- Members of the public interested in research with children, young people and families
- Public health practitioners (e.g. local government public health teams)
- Think tank, third sector and charity, or commercial sector staff
- Policy makers (e.g., policy and strategy staff in central or local government)
- Academics
- Students