2024 Aspiring Directors Programme
The University of Birmingham is now recruiting to the 21st Century Public servant leadership programme for aspiring directors in public services (Cohort 7).
Programme Eligibility and Selection Criteria
This Programme is for individuals who have been working at a senior level in the following areas for at least 2 years:
- Public Health
- Children, Young People and Family Services
- Adult Health and Care Services • Commissioning & Service Development
- Education, Housing & wider Community Services
- Others with significant responsibility for the delivery or planning of public health related services.
This is a national, highly competitive Programme and places are limited. Priority will be given to applications from people who can demonstrate their ambition and readiness to step up to a director level (or regional/national equivalent) role within the next three years. We welcome applications from people who meet the criteria and who can demonstrate the passion and commitment to personal, team, organisational and system development which we need from our future public health leaders
Please ensure you read the applicant information (attached) before submitting your application by email on the attached word document to: bli@contacts.bham.ac.uk by 12pm on Friday 25th October 2024. Please ensure completed applications are sent as a Word document (not a pdf).For informal enquiries please email bli@contacts.bham.ac.uk
Before You Apply
Make sure you have read all the information about the Programme, have checked that you are eligible to apply and can demonstrate how you meet the selection criteria. Please be sure that you can attend ALL of the Programme dates provided in the Applicant Information. Have a conversation with your Programme sponsor and ensure they have the information they need to complete and submit the Sponsor Form.
The decision of the assessment panel will be communicated to applicants during the week commencing 18 November 2024. Any applicant who has not been successful in being offered a place on the Programme may be signposted towards other development opportunities. There will also be an opportunity to receive feedback on your application. If applicants feel that they want to appeal against the panel decision they must submit their appeal within five days of the date of the email advising them of the assessment panel’s decision.
Programme cost
The Programme is funded by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) and is designed as a collaboration between OHID and the University of Birmingham. For those in Public Health working in England, the course is free: this includes accommodation during residential sessions and all materials used on the programme. You will be responsible for travel costs and for overnight accommodation prior to the workshops if required. For those in Public Health Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, or if you are working in any of the other services listed above (except Public Health) in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, there will be a cost of £1500 plus VAT. This represents a significant subsidy on the total cost of the programme.
Download Application Form
Download Applicant Information