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The London Damp and Mould Checklist

Housing · Improving Public Health Practice | 29 February 2024

The London Damp and Mould Checklist, developed by ADPH London in partnership with London’s public health system partners, is designed for use by health and social care professionals who visit residential properties as part of their management and care of patients. It provides a checklist and guidance to support the identification of internal damp and mould as well as people at risk of poor health due to damp and mould exposure in their home. Where concerns are identified this resource provides guidance on actions to take in the form of advice, signposting, and template letters to inform local authority housing teams, housing associations, landlords and health services of
any concerns.

This is not intended as a tool for use beyond health and care professionals (e.g., landlords) owing to its focus on assessing clinical vulnerability alongside housing concerns. However, this checklist may also serve as a useful awareness raising tool amongst other frontline staff working in services beyond health and social care.

There is also a helpful list of telephone numbers to accompany the toolkit and copies can also be downloaded from the Make Every Contact Count website.

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