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Sexual Health Warning to Students

As sexually transmitted infections (STIs) remain high among young people, UKHSA is reminding students heading to freshers week to use condoms when having sex with new or sexual partners.

The most recent data from UKHSA show that London has a large percentage of England’s STI cases, including in the 15-24 age group:

  • 19% for chlamydia (19,368 out of 104,107 national cases)
  • 26% for genital warts (1,181 out of 4,617 national cases
  • 23% for gonorrhoea (6,831 out of 29,880 national cases)

These infections spread easily, and those aged 15 to 24 are especially at risk as they are more likely to have frequent partner changes.

While many STIs can be treated, untreated infections can lead to serious health issues. Chlamydia and gonorrhoea may cause infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease, while syphilis can result in severe, irreversible problems affecting the brain, heart, or nerves.

UKHSA’s STI toolkit to support stakeholders providing communications on the prevention, testing, and treatment of STIs. The toolkit includes a summary of the latest data, social media assets, a selection of UKHSA blogs and press releases and useful links from various external sources.

London regional press release For Sexual health warning to students
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