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March 26, 2025
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The King’s Fund: Do With – Making the Movement Happen

| | March 26, 2025


26 March 2025    
10:00 - 12:00

Event Type

  • Public Health

Radical and hopeful change in how public services work with people and communities is urgently needed. Do With is a network of people and organisations calling for a radical shift in the public sector from ‘doing to’ to ‘doing with’.

We have come together to ask others to join us in making this change starting with an online event on 26 March.

Join the movement

Join us on 26 March to mobilise our collective voice to effect a radical and urgent shift in the way public services work.

We want to hear from people working in or with the public sector. The event will provide a space for those attending to share ideas on how to deliver change and to connect people together who want to work on specific ideas.

We are also asking those inspired by Do With ways of working to share their views on how change can be brought about and their experience of trying to work differently. You will have an opportunity to share your views when you register for the event or you can email:

Sign up here

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