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January 28, 2025
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OHID: Introducing new Work and Health Data Resources

| | January 28, 2025


28 January 2025    
11:00 - 12:00

Event Type

  • Work and Health

OHID London is hosting a webinar showcasing the London Knowledge and Intelligence Service (LKIS) Work and Health Regional Interactive Data Report and the GLA’s City Intelligence Unit (CIU) Analysis of Long-term Sickness in the London Workforce.

As the work and health agenda gathers pace, the LKIS interactive report is a new tool designed to assist LAs, ICBs and others, by providing data on employment and economic inactivity at regional and local authority level. The report aims to inform priorities and strategy, based on evidence that good quality work improves health and wellbeing. The tool includes trends for each region in England on a range of relevant topics, together with contextual information, with much data presented by local authority and region.

In addition, the GLA’s CIU have done some analysis of long-term sickness and work-limiting conditions in London, affecting working age Londoners. This analysis aims to support conversations around the design of London’s economic inactivity and youth Trailblazers, and also provides insights into the main health conditions affecting people in work.


  1. Welcome and Introduction – Elaine Rashbrook, OHID London (11:00-11:05)
  2. Introducing LKIS Work and Health Regional Interactive Data Report – Sylvia Godden, LKIS (11:05-11:20)
  3. Q&A (11:20-11:30)
  4. Analysis of Long-term Sickness in the London Workforce – Alice Walker and Guillaume Paugam, GLA (11:30-11:45)
  5. Q&A (11:45-11:55)
  6. Close (11:55-12:00)

If you would like to attend and want to ensure you are added to the invite or have any queries about the event, please email 

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