AIM: To provide strategic leadership and advocacy for children and young people’s health in London, and work in partnership to address pan-London challenges to giving children and young people the best start in life.
ADPH London works with partners including Association of London Directors of Children’s Services (ALDCS), London Councils, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) London, NHS E/I London and the Greater London Authority (GLA) in addressing the pan-London challenges associated with the health of children and young people.
Sector Led Improvement Review on 0-19 commissioning
We conducted a Sector Led Improvement (SLI) review of local authority responsibilities for Health Visiting (HV) and School Nursing (SN) services across local authorities in London as a self-assessment and peer-review approach to help inform service improvement.
The overarching aims of the SLI review were:
- To inform future standards for SN, HV and interface with other CYP services.
- To aid improved public health provision for children and young people across London
- To develop and strengthen partnership working with the ALDCS and support the development of a shared CYP agenda.
The objectives were:
- To develop a self-assessment tool in collaboration with Public Health and Children Services professionals, to review HV and SN practice in London
- To engage all (33) London boroughs in the CYP SLI thematic review
- To conduct a peer review process in line with the principles of SLI
- Identify and develop areas for improvement locally and across London for CYP
- To utilise the opportunity to strengthen collaboration between the London Directors of Public Health (DsPH) and Directors of Children’s Services (DsCS)
The review was split into three phases:
- Phase 1: Develop and pilot a self-assessment tool (SAT)
- Phase 2: London boroughs complete self-assessment tool and partake in peer review workshops
- Phase 3: Pan London learning event and next steps
For more information about the review, read our Summary of Learning report, and supplementary documents to learn more about our methodology and findings:
- Phase 1 – SAT and Pilot Appendices
- Phase 2 – SAT and Peer review Appendices
- Phase 3 – Learning event Appendices
- Example self-assessment tool (owned by ADPH London and London Councils)
- Rapid literature review (to inform development of the self-assessment tool)
- Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Health Visiting and School Nursing services during the first wave of lockdown in London (led by OHID London – formerly PHE London)