ADPH London Immunisation Network

ADPH London hosts the London Immunisation Network, that meets quarterly, mostly online but occasionally in person.
Aims of Network:
- To act as a vehicle for disseminating key information to Immunisation leads across London to support the health improvement and health inequalities agenda.
- To allow opportunity/space for collaboration and sharing of best practice and evidence.
The Network is open to:
- Public Health Consultants and Public Health Immunisation Leads from the 32 London Local Authorities & City of London.
- Public Health Consultants and Leads from London NHS Trusts
- Public Health Consultants and leads from London academic institutions
- GLA Public health Consultants and Specialists/ Strategists
- OHID London Public health consultants and the Operations team
- NHSE/I London Imms Lead.
ADPH London Leads:
Kirsten Watters (Director of Public Health – London Borough of Camden and ADPH London Immunisation Lead).
Carolyn Sharpe (Consultant in Public Health, Hackney and The City of London and ADPH London Immunisation Co-Lead).
- Susan Elden (Public Health Consultant/ SIL Immunisations Lead for NHSE London).
- Partho Roy (Consultant in Health Protection, UKHSA).
- Nalini Iyanger (Consultant in Health Protection, UKHSA)
To get in touch with the ADPH London team regarding the network, please contact