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Health and Wellbeing of Asylum Seekers and Refugees Community of Practice

ADPH London hosts the Health and Wellbeing of Asylum Seekers and Refugees Community of Practice which was initially set up in July 2022 in response to local partner requests to support conversations and share learning. The Community of Practice meets on a monthly basis, mostly online but sometimes in person.

Aim of the network:

  • Bring together colleagues working to support the health and wellbeing of asylum seekers and refugees across London, with the goal of improving their health and wellbeing and ensuring that the safety and dignity of these populations are being met at all times.


  • London Local Authority leads in this area with an interest in healthcare and wider service provision
  • Academics with asylum and refugee health service interest
  • NHS, and ICS colleagues with an interest in inclusion health and healthcare service provision
  • There will be some restrictions on membership due to sharing of sensitive information via email distribution and during meetings.

ADPH London Leads:

  • Lizzie Owen (Lead Public Health Strategist, London Borough of Newham, ADPH London Lead.
  • Priyal Shah (Programme Manager, Communities, NHS North Central London ICB, Co-Chair for the Community of Practice).
  • Chris Billington (Public Health Strategist, ADPH London is the Community of Practice Coordinator).

To get in touch with the ADPH London team regarding further information and joining the Community of Practice, please contact

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