World Public Health Nutrition Congress (WPHNC) – ‘Questioning the Solutions: has the Decade of Nutrition delivered?’
In 2025, as the United Nation’s Decade of Nutrition draws to an end, we continue to face huge global and local nutritional challenges. In London, our challenges are evident as illustrated by the high prevalence of children living with obesity and the food and nutritional inequalities that lie behind this. The WPHNC discusses the six themes that comprise the UN’s Decade of Nutrition and seeks solutions going forward. This is a brilliant opportunity for all of us involved in the nutritional health of Londoners to discuss challenges and solutions with our global colleagues.
The congress will be opened by Dr Francesco Branca, Director, Department of Nutrition and Food Safety with the World Health Organization. Around six hundred people from across the globe will take part.
This link takes you to the agenda and registration: WPHNC.
Community conversations
The congress has a dedicated session for ‘community voices’. This has two themes: food insecurity and infant feeding. It involves in-person representation, short videos or posters that enable people to take part who are living in food insecurity, or with lived experience of challenges and solutions around infant feeding practices. This link explains more: Community Conversations. The closing date for submissions is 7th May. We hope your networks will be able to contribute to this.
Lastly, in the run up to the congress we will be holding a series of webinars around the UN’s six themes. We will share the details once these are confirmed.