ADPH responds to Food Foundation report
The Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH) has welcomed today’s Broken Plate report from the Food Foundation highlighting how difficult it is for many families to afford and access a healthy, sustainable diet.
Greg Fell, ADPH President, said:
“Today’s report paints a stark picture of the current issues around access to healthy and affordable food and the associated costs of unhealthy weight, which have adverse health and economic effects for individuals and their families, communities and the nation as a whole.”
The report goes on to stress the importance of making sure infants, children and young people have access to affordable, healthy food and outlines the benefits this provides for a happy and healthy childhood.
“Every child has a right to – and benefits from – a happy, healthy childhood and that includes having access to healthy food. Currently though, obesity is on the rise across the UK with a third of children in their final year of primary school being overweight or living with obesity and, in the most deprived areas of England, obesity is almost twice that in the least deprived areas. We need to promote healthy weight initiatives and ensure everyone, regardless of where they live or how much money their family has access to affordable healthy food.
“Over the past year, progress has been made towards creating environments that promote health and wellbeing, instead of simply treating the ill health that arises from consuming harmful food and drink. The UK Government has implemented a ban on junk food and drink advertising on TV before 21.00and proposed restrictions on the sale of energy drinks – both measures that support local efforts by Directors of Public Health and their teams to tackle these issues.
“There is still more to do though and Local Authorities should have more power to control licensing and planning, as well as sponsorship and advertising regulations around unhealthy foods. We will also continue to work with partners across sectors to call for a comprehensive national food strategy.”
“Healthy eating and good health go hand in hand, and put simply, everyone has the right to an affordable, healthy diet. It’s therefore imperative for the nation’s long-term prosperity that the findings in today’s report are taken seriously, and that action is taken at all levels to reduce the health inequalities caused, and reinforced, by the current situation so that everyone can live a healthier life for longer