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24 October 2024
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A recipe for health

Today, we have welcomed a new report from the House of Lords Food, Diet and Obesity Committee – Recipe for Health: A plan to fix our broken food system.

Obesity is responsible for at least 200,000 cases of cancer annually, makes people five times more likely to develop type two diabetes and puts immense strain on cardiovascular health. Living with obesity also increases the risk of breathing problems, musculoskeletal disorders and complications in pregnancy. It can also adversely impact mental health.

Alice Wiseman, ADPH Vice President, who gave evidence to the Committee earlier this year, said:

“Today’s report rightly recognises that the UK is facing an obesity and diet-related disease public health emergency – the UK has the fourth highest level of people living with obesity in Europe and a third of children in their final year of primary school are overweight or living with obesity. These statistics cannot be allowed to get worse.

“It is however a complex issue and there is no silver bullet solution. The report makes a wide range of recommendations, and we are particularly pleased to see the inclusion of the ban on advertising of less healthy food.

“We know that advertising and marketing influences purchasing and consumption habits, and that these habits are formed at an early age and so we must do more to protect children and young people.

“At the same time, we have to make affordable food more accessible. The fact that healthy food is three times more expensive than unhealthy alternatives takes away people’s freedom of choice and is paving the way for increasing numbers of people being forced to live with avoidable ill health and disease. We would also like to see mandatory reformulation – there is simply no need to have excessive amounts of fat, sugar and salt in our food.

“The Government has already made a clear commitment to preventing disease, and so I hope that they take today’s report and recommendations seriously, and take urgent action to give people the freedom to live healthier lives for longer.”

Read our position statement on healthy weight
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