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Masterclass: Resilience – The whole picture

Delegate packs | 18 March 2022

Workshop 1: Thursday 21 April (10.00-12.00)

Workshop 2: Thursday 23 June (14.00-16.00)

Platform: MS Teams

On Thursday 21 April and 23 June ADPH held a two-part Masterclass on ‘Resilience – the whole picture’. Dr Derek Mowbray, Director of the Management Advisory Service, Chartered Psychologist and Chartered Scientist, with a doctorate in the psychology of leadership, led the sessions.

Participants examined the interrelationship between the working environment and the individual. During the sessions, members also focussed on team resilience and explored how to create a resilient and positive working environment.

View the slides from both workshops below:

For further information regarding the session or to request access to the workshop recordings, please email

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