LGA/ADPH Annual Public Health Conference 2022
Wednesday 23rd – Thursday 24th March
Platform: Zoom
The annual conference, organised by the LGA in partnership with the Association of Directors of Public Health was opened by Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England, who was joined by leading public health experts in a range of sessions over two days.
Sessions covered the very latest thinking on national policy issues, including ‘Taking stock: Covid-19’s long-term global impact’, ‘Health security: looking to the future’ and ‘Mind the gap: working together to reduce health inequalities’. Other important topics such as climate change, Levelling up and maternal healthcare were also discussed.
Delegates were able to put their questions and comments to those involved in shaping and implementing them at strategic and community levels, on issues such as the reform of the public health system and the impact of Covid-19 on health inequalities. They had the opportunity to participate in sessions sharing good practice from local areas and to discuss issues that mattered to them.
The event was very well attended. See the full selection of the conference material, including the presentations,