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Covid-19 Prioritisation of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

Covid-19 · Health protection · Sexual and reproductive health | 8 April 2020

In response to the Covid-19 public health emergency and its impact on maintaining ‘business as usual’ across health and social care; NHS England and Local Government were tasked with undertaking a rapid review of community health services with a view to detailing the elements of each that can be ‘stopped’, ‘partially stopped’, or should ‘continue’.

In relation to essential sexual & reproductive healthcare, the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH); The Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH); and the British HIV Association (BHIVA) published a paper on 26 March 2020 titled Sexual Health, Reproductive Health and HIV Services: Emergency Covid-19 Contingency Plan Paper for Government.

It is the position of the ADPH that the recommendations, outlined in the documents below, summarise the urgent steps that must be taken to maintain, to our best ability under the unique circumstances, the wider public’s sexual & reproductive health. The protection of essential SRH services, and the changes in delivery necessary due to Covid-19, stand too as recommendations for essential provision aligned to Primary Care settings, both General Practice and Community Pharmacy.

ADPH UK Recommendations for Essential SRH Services during Covid-19

ADPH UK Essential SRH Services in General Practice

ADPH UK Essential SRH Services in Community Pharmacies

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