Adverse Childhood Experiences
Project overview
Our project ‘Creating trauma informed places: promoting a whole system approach to tackling adverse childhood experiences in local communities’ has been funded by the Health Foundation as part of their programme to take action on the social determinants of health.
The purpose of the project is to raise awareness of ACEs and wider vulnerabilities, explore how trauma informed approaches have been put into practice across the UK and promote a whole system approach to tackling childhood adversity.
Key outputs
Position Statement on childhood adversity and vulnerability
Bespoke guidance for the health, education, policing and housing sectors
A total of 72 senior practitioners with experience of implementing trauma-informed practice have contributed to our guidance across all four sectors. Through these conversations, we have gathered a range of insights into what good trauma-informed approaches and results look like. In Appendix A, we cover the benefits of a multi-agency approach and cite case studies of where this has been achieved successfully.
Feedback from interviewees and the outcomes we have seen across all four sectors indicate that trauma-informed approaches could have a profound impact on society when applied as part of a whole-system effort to tackle Adverse Childhood Experiences by engaging services across the life course. We hope this series inspires further interest in this area and that more services witness the levels of success our interviewees have achieved.
Guidance for the Health Sector
Guidance for the Policing Sector
Guidance for the Education Sector
Guidance for the Housing Sector
Sector-led Improvement tool
The aim of this tool is to support areas to deliver a system wide trauma-informed approach. It is intended to be a tool for conversation to help provide challenge and support the development, and subsequent review, of an action plan.
ADPH members can access the tool by emailing