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19 January 2024
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Why measles outbreak is not surprising

The current outbreak is concerning but sadly, not surprising. Uptake of the MMR vaccine has been significantly lower than we need it to be for sometime now.

Amanda Healy
ADPH Policy Lead for Health Protection

Following the rise in measles cases across the UK, and particularly in the West Midlands, Amanda Healy, our Policy Lead for Health Protection  has talked about the underlying issues behind the headlines.

Ms Healy, who is also Director of Public Health for County Durham, said:

“The best protection against measles, which can be a very serious illness, is by being vaccinated. We have a very effective vaccine that the NHS provides free of charge for people of any age.

“The current outbreak is concerning but sadly, not surprising. Uptake of the MMR vaccine (which is given as two doses, usually in childhood and guards against measles) has been significantly lower than we need it to be for sometime now.

“Directors of Public Health work in partnership with a wide range of people and organisations, including the NHS, health visitors, schools, and community groups, to raise awareness of the importance of getting vaccinated.

“There is clearly more to be done, particularly to address the disparity between vaccine take up by people living in different areas – we know for example that people living in poverty and those living in rural areas are less likely to be vaccinated. We must ask why that is and remove the barriers that are currently make getting the vaccine difficult.

“We also need to use the learning from the Covid-19 vaccination roll out. Community champions and trusted local leaders were instrumental in supporting health professionals to raise awareness and dispel myths amongst their communities.

“This community engagement is key to the success of all our vaccinations programme and Directors of Public Health, who know their local populations really well, will continue to work with them to support the NHS to roll out this – and other – vaccination programmes.

“In the meantime, we are of course working closely with UKHSA to support efforts to tackle the current outbreak at a local and regional level – helping to get as many people vaccinated as possible and making those all important links with our communities.”

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