Prof. Jim McManus in conversation with The Health Foundation
We need policies that help people to live well with long-term conditions like diabetes, chronic pain, and anxiety and depression. That means more mental health support, investing in self-care and self-management, and making sure that employers give good support to workers who have long-term conditions.
Prof. Jim McManus
ADPH President
Earlier this year, The Health Foundation published their Health in 2040 report, looking at how levels of illness are projected to change over the next 20 years for the English population.
The report found that over 9 million people in England will be living with major illness by 2040 (2.5 million more than in 2019), with an increase of more than 30% in the prevalence of conditions such as cancer, diabetes and kidney disease.
As part of a series of interviews with key stakeholders, The Health Foundation spoke to ADPH President, Prof. Jim McManus about what the rising prevalence of illness means for people’s lives, and the support they need to live well – now and in the future.