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15 June 2023
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What the NHS pay deal means for public health staff

In response to the Government’s latest announcement on the Agenda for Change pay deal for NHS workers, Prof Jim McManus, ADPH President, said:

“The public health workforce operates in a range of settings and organisations, not just the NHS. Each and every one of these people are doing vital work to help individuals and communities become healthier.

“The fact that the much-deserved pay award has received specific Government funding for public health workers who are employed by the NHS is of course good news. However, additional funding should also be made available to ensure those working in similar roles for local councils or in the charity sector receive the same increase. It is unacceptable that dedicated workers doing the same job are treated less favourably.

“When given the public health grant allocation each year, DsPH are responsible for how it is spent. If they match the pay award to non-NHS workers, that takes money away from vital services. If they maintain funding for services, non-NHS workers will not receive the uplift. It is therefore absolutely essential that the Government provide the funding needed to honour pay increases for all, and prevent even more cuts to public health services.”

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