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28 June 2023
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Mental health: New position statement

Mental health is a state of wellbeing in which someone realises their potential, can cope with normal life stressors, can work productively and contribute to their community.

Sadly, poor mental health is widespread, with one in six adults reporting a common mental health disorder, such as anxiety. As well as affecting individuals, poor mental health also costs the UK economy approximately £117.9 billion annually, with 72% of the cost being attributed to lost productivity related to mental health issues.

During Covid-19, there was a 10% rise in the number of people experiencing depressive symptoms. Data also shows that one in four adults living in the most deprived areas of England experienced some form of depression compared to one in eight in the least deprived areas.

Children and young people are also affected, a situation exacerbated by the pandemic as education closures interrupted social connections and learning which created anxiety and loneliness.

However, despite being so prevalent in society, mental health symptoms are often hidden as stigma is widespread and many people do not have access to support services they need.

In our new policy position statement, we set out clear national and local recommendations for tackling mental health to improve outcomes for individuals, their families, communities and the economy.


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