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8 February 2023
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ADPH, FPH and RSPH call for tighter regulation on gambling

The gambling industry, along with policy and decision makers have by far the biggest role in exposing the public to harmful gambling products and services.

Greg Fell
Vice President ADPH

The Digital Culture Media and Sport Committee are examining the Government’s approach to the regulation of gambling, following warnings that more needs to be done to protect people, including children, from gambling-related harm.

In our joint response, written in partnership with the Faculty of Public Health and the Royal Society for Public Health, we argue for a shift away from blaming people to focusing on
harmful products, a socially irresponsible industry, and significant conflicts of interest throughout the gambling policy system and call for:

  • A significant increase in the regulation of the exposure of the public to Gambling advertising, marketing and sponsorship
  • A significant strengthening of the roles and responsibility of the industry regulator
  • Much stronger powers and responsibilities, with resourcing to execute those, for local government
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