What we do

Sector Led Improvement
ADPH North East takes collective responsibility for the continual improvement of local public health outcomes across the sector, in line with the ADPH UK model for improvement.
SLI is the approach to improvement put in place together with local authorities and the Local Government Association after the abolition of the national performance framework. It aims to provide assurance to both internal and external stakeholders and the public, as well as demonstrate continuous improvement to Public Health Practice.
SLI is based on the underlying principles that councils are:
- Responsible for their own performance and improvement and for leading the delivery of improved outcomes for local people
- Accountable to local communities
- Collectively responsible for the performance of the sector as a whole
ADPH North East works with ADPH UK using SLI approaches in relation to nationally identified priorities, the national priorities for 2022/23 were Suicide Prevention, and Vaccine Engagement.
Amanda Healey (DPH Durham County Council) is the current SLI lead for the North East.

Working together to reduce health inequalities across the North East
In addition to the national SLI priorities ADPH North East, have worked together using the six Marmot principles to identify priorities for reducing health inequalities by:
- giving every child the best start in life
- enabling all children, young people, and adults to maximize their capabilities and have control over their lives
- creating fair employment and good work for all
- ensuring a healthy standard of living for all
- creating and developing sustainable places and communities
- strengthening the role and impact of ill-health prevention

Thematic Networks
Across the North East we have 14 networks that are accountable via a lead DPH to the North East Association of Directors of Public Health. Working with colleagues from OHID and UKHSA the networks provide:
- Access to technical expertise of others in the region
- Time and space for continuous professional development
- Peer support and safe “closed” space to explore complex issues
- Access to the latest evidence and national products
- Opportunity to share good practice
- Opportunity to explore sharing costs and resources
- Networking and developing relationships across local authorities and with OHID
- Opportunity to develop and highlight good work happening locally
- Opportunities for quality assurance of own system and benchmarking
The core networks provide extended links to a range of Subgroups as appropriate and task and finish working groups are established for time limited periods as and when work is identified

Commercial Determinants of Health
The commercial determinants of health (CDoH) are the conditions, actions and omissions by corporate bodies that affect our health. They are the activities of private sector industries that impact us both positively and negatively by shaping the environments in which we’re born, grow, live and work.
ADPH North East have agreed a position statement outlining the regional approach to CDoH including the following key principles:-
Key Principles
- UCIs should not influence health policy, health services or education/awareness-raising initiatives, particularly those aimed at young people.
- Children and young people are a priority group to protect from the tactics of UCIs, particularly those living in our most deprived communities
- UCI marketing drives harmful consumption and health inequalities and needs to be tackled
- Reframing the narrative from personal responsibility to the actions of industries and their harmful products is a legitimate intervention
Working nationally with ADPH
As a region we are committed to supporting the work of ADPH nationally, advocating for the health of the population and to reduce health inequalities across the North East.