NE Health Protection Network
A North East Local Authority and UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Public Health Protection leads network that provides an opportunity for shared and improved practice in relation to health protection.

Vaccine Engagement
Living safely with COVID-19 – Vaccine Engagement
North East DsPH are working with UKHSA/OHID and wider partners to develop a joint framework to reduce harm as we’ve moved to a model of ‘Living with COVID-19’. Identifying a joint set of Principles, Goals and priorities to ensure continued regional collaboration
This includes the vaccine engagement SLI programme with the following priorities:
1.Future Governance and partnership working – Establish longer term governance structure for future partnership working with a continued focus on inequalities
2.Development of on-line vaccine inequalities toolkit – Work in partnership with OHID and NENC to develop and extends the vaccine inequalities toolkit into an on-line system
3.Targeted Engagement Campaigns – Support the development of future regional engagement campaigns that align Covid and flu
content coming soon