Target audience: Substance misuse commissioners
Purpose: To share relevant developments in government policy or programmes, clinical practice or guidance and share details of national/regional/local practice of relevance to drug/alcohol treatment or recovery services and act as collegial support and information opportunity.
Frequency of meetings: Monthly on the 4th Tuesday, 10am – 12pm
Target audience: Healthy Child Commissioning Leads, Healthy Child Provider Services, Designated Clinical Officers, Family Hub Single Points of Contact, Early Years Educators and Stronger Practice Leads
Purpose: To explore processes for early identification and intervention for children aged 0-5. An opportunity for services to work together across the system to improve outcomes for speech, language, and communication.
Frequency of meetings: TBC
Target audience: Public/population health academics and service professionals from East of England
Purpose: To bring together academics and service colleagues from across the region to facilitate and stimulate research that addresses service questions, co-produce more powerful evidence generation regionally, and share knowledge.
Frequency of meetings: Steering Committee 3 times per year, working groups/ webinars between these.
Target audience: Public health practitioners in the eastern region
- To develop shared understanding of healthy place based working;
- To provide professional development and support for those working on healthy places in the Eastern region;
- To progress places based working as a core component of delivering a broader determinants of health approach
Frequency of meetings: Quarterly
Target audience: Local Authority Children and Young People’s Commissioners and CYP Public Health Consultants with CYP in their portfolio
- To prioritise efforts to reduce health inequalities and improve children and young people’s (CYP) public health (PH) outcomes in the East of England (EoE).
- To strengthen Local Authority (LA) PH strategic leadership with a focus on child and family health drawing on co-production of solutions.
- To support LA PH strategic leadership to inform the commissioning of the Healthy Child Programme.
- To enable quality improvement and sharing of good practice for CYP public health leads/commissioners and wider stakeholders (for example through shared learning events) in line with principles of Sector Led Improvement (SLI).
There are additional Shared Learning Events hosted throughout the year with a wider audience dependent on topic.
Frequency of meetings: Monthly, one hour on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Target audience: Local Authority Healthy Weight Commissioners and Public Health Consultants with healthy weight in their portfolio
Purpose: To strengthen strategic local authority leadership in the delivery of healthy weight and lifestyle initiatives driven by evidence to reduce the prevalence of obesity; and to enable quality improvement and sharing of good practice for Obesity Prevention public health leads/commissioners and wider stakeholders (for example through shared learning events) in line with principles of Sector Led Improvement.
Frequency of meetings: Bi-monthly for 90 minutes.
Target audience: Regional MECC commissioners and leads, MECC providers, and public health professionals with whom the MECC portfolio sits in local government, NHSE, UKHSA and OHID.
Purpose: Online workspace to share MECC practice and resources and collaborate with peers.
Frequency of meetings: Online space, ad-hoc meetings, workshops and/or presentations in response to identified need from workspace members.
Target audience: Those working on health inequalities as part of their portfolio and those interested in learning more about health inequalities.
Purpose: Education and opportunity for discussion and Q&A on matters relevant to health inequalities. Topics identified by members and sessions led by subject matter lead and facilitated by the regional health inequalities team.
Frequency of meetings: Quarterly
Purpose: A FutureNHS workspace providing a single repository for information from the National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme. It aims to support the sharing of good practice, raise awareness of new reports, guides and publications, facilitate learning and support networking/relationship building to enable effective collaborative working.
Target audience: MECC Commissioners and Leads across regional local authorities and NHSE
Purpose: A forum to share learning and best practice around approaches to MECC implementation, training, delivery, and evaluation, and MECC Link content.
Additionally, a space for updates on new resources, strategy or policy developments and any potential funding opportunities.
Frequency of meetings: Quarterly
Target audience: NHS Health Checks commissioners and delivery leads
Purpose: Opportunity for shared and improved practice in relation to the planning and delivery of the NHS Health Check programme. It provides a forum through which to promote collaboration and mutual support for system partners working on the NHS Health Check programme across East of England Region, with a view to maximising programme impact on health outcomes and inequalities and positioning the programme as a key enabler of cardiovascular disease prevention.
Frequency of meetings: Quarterly
Target audience: Local Authority, Active Partnerships, Sport England
Purpose: To share learning and best practice around approaches to tackling inactivity, increasing activity, delivery, and evaluation. Additionally, a space for updates from national partners, regional partners and counties on new resources, strategy or policy developments and any potential funding opportunities. To strengthen strategic east region leadership in the delivery of physical activity.
Frequency of meetings: Quarterly
Target audience: A national initiative convened in EoE for regional academic-service entities that have emerged from regions in different forms
Purpose: To share knowledge about set-up, funding, sustainability, activities across England – providing national networking to support those colleagues in the regions who are trying to improve the academic-service interface incorporating but also beyond the NIHR vertical investments into public health.
Frequency of meetings: Once per term (roughly)
Target audience: Local authority suicide prevention leads
Purpose: To provide a space that will focus on improving and strengthening aspects of the development, interrogation, and use of data, and sharing intelligence through RTSS systems across the East of England.
Frequency of meetings: Monthly
Target audience: Regional academics and researchers
Purpose: To bring the academic community together to share knowledge, stimulate new activities and be more effective for the region.
Frequency of meetings: TBC
Target audience: Local authority sexual health commissioners and/or sexual health leads; Local authority consultants in PH with a sexual health remit; UKHSA sexual health facilitator; UKHSA field epidemiology lead; NHSE specialist commissioners
- To improve sexual health, reproductive health and HIV outcomes by supporting local government commissioners in discharging their mandate to commission comprehensive, open-access sexual health services for their populations.
- To reflect the shared commissioning and public health support needs of local authorities and in so doing, develop a regional approach to sexual health, reproductive health and HIV improvement.
- To collaborate, share best practice, provide updates on local developments, and identify challenges and appropriate solutions.
Frequency of meetings: Bi-monthly
Target audience: Local authority tobacco control commissioners, regional maternity clinical network lead, regional HCPH prevention specialist, colleagues from University of East Anglia.
Purpose: A regional, informal, collaborative platform designed to facilitate and support tobacco control activities specifically in response to the Smokefree Generation proposals.
Frequency of meetings: 1 hour online every 2 weeks
Target audience: Local authority suicide prevention leads
Purpose: To provide a regional platform which supports the development and delivery of local authority suicide prevention strategies and action plans, and the implementation and delivery of Suicide prevention in England: 5-year cross-section strategy.
Frequency of meetings: Bi-monthly
Target audience: Local authority tobacco control commisioners, regional maternity clinical network lead, regional HCPH prevention specialist, colleagues from University of East Anglia.
Purpose: A regional platform to support the development and delivery of local authority tobacco control activities in line with Nice Guideline [NG209] Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence, local priorities and activity to reduce smoking prevalence, and the national ambitions set out in the Smokefree Generation propoals into regional and local planning and activity.
Frequency of meetings: 2 hours online every 8 weeks.
Target audience: Local Authority, DWP and NHS representatives
Purpose: To work towards the outcomes and objectives of the Joint Work and Health Directorate, the ambitions set out in Improving Lives: The (Future of) Work, Health and Disability Green (and White) Papers, and other subsequent and relevant command papers and strategic objectives.
Frequency of meetings: Quarterly