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Public Health Learning and Development

Regional approach to Public Health Learning and Development

We are currently developing a regional approach to public health learning and development, which requires us all to share our skills and knowledge. If you have specialist knowledge in an area of public health which you would be willing to share with others across the regional public health system, and have your line manager’s approval to do so, please email with ‘regional approach to PH L&D’ in the subject heading.


Public Health Practitioner Training Directory

NHS WT and E have developed a Public Health Practitioner Training Directory to provide existing public health practitioners with training and educational opportunities. Skills acquired through learning can then be used as evidence to support Public Health Practitioners in achieving UKPHR Public Health Practitioner Registration and some masterclasses are only open to those completing the practitioner portfolio programme. However, the directory is also a useful Continued Professional Development (CPD) tool for those working in or new to healthcare to learn more about public health/health promotion.


The Faculty of Public Health

Upcoming events and courses from the Faculty of Public Health highlights events and webinars facilitated by the Faculty on a wide range of Public Health areas.

Elearning for Healthcare

Elearning for healthcare (elfh) delivers more than 400 elearning programmes in collaboration with healthcare organisations, including public health.

All Our Health elearning contains over 30 bitesize elearning sessions to help professionals embed prevention within their day to day work. The sessions cover a wide range of public health topics including the wider determinants of health and health inequalities.

The Fundamentals of Health Protection programme has been developed to introduce the foundation skills required for people working within health protection.  It will support health protection teams to protect individuals, groups and populations from infectious disease and non infectious public health threats including radiation, chemical and environmental hazards, and manage and minimise the risk of vulnerability to public health events.


East of England Leadership Academy

The NHS Leadership Academy Learning Hub hosts a range of short learning solutions designed to help those working in healthcare to discover their full potential and achieve the highest standards in health and care.

The East of England Leadership Academy offer a diverse suite of professional leadership development programmes and opportunities for those delivering healthcare services across the region.

Your Leadership Journey signposts to national and regional programmes and interventions to support you at all stages of your career.


The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH)

The Royal Society for Public Health organises a variety of public health related events throughout the year. Many are open to professionals or the general public, while others are exclusive to RSPH Members.


Learn about Integrated Care Systems and Integrated Care Boards

The following articles and documents will provide an overview of ICSs and ICBs:

Health overview and scrutiny committee principles | DHSC | 29 July 2022

Guidance on the preparation of integrated care strategies | DHSC | 29 July 2022

Working in partnership with people and communities: statutory guidance | NHSE | 25 July 2022

Integrated Care Boards | NHS Digital | 1 July 2022

Integrated Care Systems – what do they look like? | The Health Foundation | 15 June 2022

How does the NHS in England work and how is it changing? | The King’s Fund | 26 May 2022 (5-minute animation)



FutureLearn provides access to a variety of free and chargeable online courses, including over 20 on public health topics.

Additionally, the King’s Fund, the Health Foundation, and the Local Government Association all facilitate regular free and chargeable learning and development opportunities which may be of interest to those working in public health.

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