Self-assessment tool for local HIV, reproductive health and sexual health service provision
The tool was developed by an SLI working group within the EHSHCG Executive Committee and has been piloted across several local authorities.
The tool is based on learning from the Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH) and Public Health England (PHE)’s ‘What Good Sexual Health, Reproductive Health and HIV Provision Looks Like’ (2019) publication, which sets out guiding principles for local delivery and is intended to be used as an iterative resource to strengthen SLI processes.
The EHSHCG tool sets out a framework for teams to measure themselves against the WGLL programme and provides a baseline for improvement. The tool should not be used to judge but instead as a starting point for local authority teams to evidence what is working well and what could be strengthened.
Instructions on completing the tool, scoring, measuring achievements, and conducting an optional peer review exercise are contained on sections (i) to (iv) within the tool. There are then four sections to complete: (1) System Partnership, (2) Building Resilience, (3) Safe & Effective Services and (4) Promoting Equity. The final sections in the tool will display your overall score and provide a benchmark for interpreting your results.
We are keen to develop a catalogue of best practice examples and to hear about innovative practice your self-assessment exercise captures. Examples can be sent to Any feedback on the tool can also be sent to the same address.