Best Start in Life, a shared priority across the Midlands and a multi-partner regional network supported by OHID, has just completed a focused piece of work on the region’s Health Visiting service. We held three workshops for commissioners, service providers and Local Authority children’s services to identify the key challenges for the service; and a summit to work through key programmes of work for action. The attached report offers a summary of the work.
Identifying the key issues is only the beginning and work has started on
- Theme 1a – Providing Professional leadership – Lead by NHS England Midlands
- Theme 1b – Exploring further the Safeguarding role of Health Visitors - Lead by NHS England Midlands
- Theme 2 – Developing our use of Data to inform service delivery. - Lead by ADPH WM
- Theme 3 – Lunch and Learn style sessions for Health Visitors Lead by BSIL network and ADPH WM
- Theme 4 – Repeat roundtables and summit with a focus on with School Nursing/5-19s services - Lead by ADPH WM
HV summit report ADPH WM