Study run by UCLan to help improve bowel cancer outcomes
16th May 2024
UCLan invite you to help improve bowel cancer outcomes by taking part in a community survey study on participation in screening.
The study is run by researchers at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) and involves taking part in an anonymous 5-minute survey.
Further information on accessing the survey can be found on the back of this form or by contacting the Principal Investigator Dr Yasemin Hirst (
Online Version:
Paper copy: : If you wish to have a paper copy, please contact the research team.
FAO: Yasemin Hirst, Applied Health Research Hub, UCLan, Preston, PR1 2HE
Large prints: Survey is currently formatted in font size 14pt. However larger print size is available. You can also increase the font size using the online version.
British Sign Language: Please contact the research team for support completing the survey in British Sign Language.