Joint workshop to discuss Screening & Immunisation in Lancashire and South Cumbria
5th February 2024

Thanks to colleagues across Lancashire and South Cumbria who took part in the ‘Lancashire and South Cumbria Screening & Immunisation’ Worshop on Friday 26th January 2024. The joint workshop was organised by the Collaborative, NHSE NW and the LSC ICB Population Health team.
The event was chaired by Andrew Bennett, Director of Population Health, Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care Board.
Key Speakers included Jane Scattergood, Director of Health and Care Integration, Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care Board and Tricia Spedding, Head of Public Health, NHS England North West.
The event brought together professionals from across the subregion to discuss the emerging measles situation, explore what the data tells us about screening and immunisation in Lancashire & South Cumbria and identify our priorities at place and as a system.
More on next steps soon!