You can now see the key messages coming out of the Collaborative Leadership Group meetings
7th June 2024
On the 19th of April 2024, the Collaborative Leadership Group met to discuss the Collaborative’s priorities for 2024/2025. The workshop aimed to:
- Recognise what we’ve achieved.
- Identify how we can be even better.
- Agree what we want to work on together as Public Health and Population Health Teams.
- Agree our key priorities.
- Agree how our infrastructure should drive forward work on our priorities.
- Agree how we will work together
One of the actions from the workshop was to improve feedback/ cascade within organisations after the Leadership Group meetings by capturing the key messages. The Collaborative Support team aim to distribute the key messages as soon as possible after the meetings via email and our website.
Please contact the Collaborative Support Team if you would like to join our mailing list or more information.