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About the Cumbria and Lancashire Public Health Collaborative


The Cumbria & Lancashire Public Health Collaborative is a team of people from across the region who work on public and population health. This includes; Local Authorities, the NHS, academic organisations, UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID) and NHS England.

The core focus of the Cumbria & Lancashire Public Health Collaborative is on collaboration, not competition. The Collaborative work together to achieve public and population health outcomes and reduce health inequalities across the Cumbria & Lancashire region.









By working together the Collaborative aims to;

  • Strengthen the region’s Public Health Teams, through collaboration, knowledge and skills development
  • Reduce health inequalities and ensure that this is a key priority for Local Authorities, the NHS and others
  • Undertake joint work on agreed priorities

As a Collaborative we will;

  • Improve health and wellbeing in Cumbria & Lancashire by taking collective action
  • Deliver strong public health practices and neighbourhood leadership
  • Promote effective and innovative public health interventions, making use of the latest evidence
  • Advise on cost effective, area-wide public health programmes

We will do this by;

  • Supporting Local Authorities to develop and deliver effective plans to ensure the residents of Cumbria & Lancashire have the best start in life, enjoy good mental health and emotional wellbeing and healthy hearts
  • Providing collaborative public health intelligence across Cumbria & Lancashire
  • Ensuring that there is a safe and resilient health protection system in place
  • Supporting Local Authorities with their statutory requirements to provide professional public health learning and development for staff
  • Identifying future collaborative action on the social determinants of health and health equity, establishing communities of practice


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