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The Greater Manchester Public Health Leadership Group brings together public health leaders across our city-region to tackle health inequalities in all that we do.

The Greater Manchester Public Health Leadership Group is adapted from our historic Greater Manchester Association of Directors of Public Health Group. The group changed its name in 2023 to reflect the membership being not only DPH’s, but also partner members from NHS Greater Manchester, UK Health Security Agency, The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities and NHS England.

Our shared goals:

  • To improve health and wellbeing for residents across Greater Manchester, reducing health inequalities in all that we do.
  • To address core and emerging public health issues, providing our collective leadership to ensure greatest impact

…Through working together

  • To act as a singular voice representing ten localities

-> as part of being a population health system

  • To join up our expertise and tackle our biggest public health challenges in unison

-> using our collective leadership to improve public health outcomes across GM’s localities

  • To share learning and common experiences through our professional peer group

-> Using our time together for personal and professional development, and in turn, benefiting the public

….And harnessing the system

  • To navigate the system and simplifying it where possible, making key connections and having influence

-> We add value to support change to happen at pace through our expert voice on key public health issues.

  • To showcase the locality perspective, embracing our different approaches through collaboration

-> Ensuring development of GM as a population health

system at neighbourhood, locality, and GM level

Greater Manchester Public Health Leadership Group Homepage
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