East of England Public Health Workforce Support Offer for Specialist Registration by UKPHR’s Portfolio Assessment 2023-2024
UKPHR’s Specialist registration by portfolio assessment (SRbPA) route is a retrospective assessment of knowledge, skills and experience.
This route has two stages:
- The pre-application process which assesses whether you are working at the right level for this route and will be able to provide evidence across the full range of UKPHR competencies.
- Submission of your portfolio for assessment if UKPHR is satisfied that you are working at the right level.
It is not a developmental route. It is a route towards public health specialist registration available to those with substantial experience at senior level who can demonstrate their knowledge and skills at specialist level across all key areas of public health.
The East of England has developed and approved an enhanced regional support programme for Specialist Registration by Portfolio Assessment (SRbPA) as a system wide partnership by the East of England Public Health Network.
East of England Offer
For the financial year 2023-24 colleagues who are currently working in a public health role in the East of England and are permanently employed by a Local Authority, OHID or UKHSA can make an application for support if they are pursuing the portfolio registration route.
There will be two opportunities to apply for support:
- Support opportunity 1: application deadline for consideration 23:59 on 4th June 2023
- Support opportunity 2: application deadline for consideration 23:59 on 30th November 2023.
To apply for support, the applicant must read the Privacy Notice and complete the online form EoE SRbPA Application Form which will request the following documents to be submitted:
- Job description
- CV
- Personal Development Plan (within the last year)
- Where applicable, certified copies or evidence of passing FPH Diplomate exam or acceptance letter from UKPHR to submit a portfolio.
Following a screening process, applications will be categorised as follows:
- Outcome 1: Does not meet eligibility criteria for 1:1 discussion currently, re-apply in November
- Outcome 2: Gaps: 1 hour discussion to develop individual career planning to refresh knowledge/experience to meet gaps identified which would prevent a successful pre-application at this stage
- Outcome 3: Pre-application support: 1 hour discussion to support pre-application process (referee will need to be on board)
- Outcome 4: Pre-application approved & completing portfolio: 1 hour discussion providing support & guidance & review of up to 3 narratives (suggested as 1 Know Hows, 1 Show Hows and 1 further narrative).
Applicants participating in this offer will be required to take part in evaluation for monitoring and improvement purposes.