Tier 4: Inpatient Detox and Residential Rehabilitation
The Tier 4 working group conducted a survey of commissioners to identify trends and themes in commissioning residential rehabilitation services. They have worked through different views and arrangements on Tier 4 across local authorities.
The sub-group deliverables and aims include:
- Developed guidance for new commissioners on commissioning and procuring Tier 4 services
- Ongoing work with OHID/ Drug and Alcohol Improvement Support (DAIST) leads to inform system thinking and change
- Continuing to share best practice around Tier 4 frameworks within commissioning/procurement
- Engaging with specialist providers to develop best mutual understanding of the agenda
- Considering funding and the new 2% ambitions for residential rehabilitation in the national drug strategy
- Meetings have been held between the sub-group chairs with Collective Voice and rehab providers. Chairs also meet with Rehab Online working group, related to the ongoing development of the website, which provides an opportunity to share the commissioner perspective on the advertised publicly available information for people who want to consider residential rehab as a treatment option.
- Members of the group have also been invited to join the DAIST led Expert Reference Groups to discuss in-patient detox and residential rehab at a national level
Guidance on Residential Rehab in Inpatient Detox
The Tier 4 Sub-Group have produced a guide to aid commissioners in either beginning to commission tier 4 services or who are re-commissioning services. This guidance is not intended to be a full step-by-step guide but more as a list of factors to consider to meet the procurement needs/priorities of your own local authority/consortia.